Who We Are And What We Do

Eve’s Residence is the family home of the Everons. Mr. Chemu & Mrs. Fooi Everon since 1953.

It was a fairly small home where they raised all of their eight children. Seven daughters and one son.

Father Chemu was a professional driver, working many years driving touring buses and as a taxi driver. He loved to drive visitors around our island, whilst working and providing for his family.

Mother Fooi worked from home, taking care of the family and baking breads, cakes, cookies and more, including many traditional homemade Curaçao sweets.

In the past it was a family tradition to pass the family home to the youngest child. So, the Everon family honored the past traditions by allowing the youngest child, Edeline, also known as “Eve”, to inherit the property. In doing so, Eve created a small hotel consisting of ten rooms. Eve’s residence was re-designed to offer its guests the local Curaçao experience. By offering its guests a clean, comfortable and pleasant place to stay during their travels. Eve’s Residence wishes to welcome her guests into the warm and welcoming atmosphere the home has always known.

Feel right at home with us at Eve’s Residence and be part of this new era.